Saturday 12 March 2011

Return of the Pink Panther, a Knife, a Fork and a Keycard

Rumours were not true and the possible Manx Postworkers strike hadn't started early; our regular Postie had broken his foot (get well soon Mr Glassey.)

However, the Postie who hadn't done our round for 20 years, did make it eventually on Tuesday morning, well just into the afternoon actually and he came bearing a parcel, simply addressed to The Welbeck Hotel.

And contained inside? A knife and fork very much looking like the ones we use in the Welbeck Hotel and seemingly nothing else. No cover note but just a random knife and fork . Confusion reigned but a further inspection and tipping upside down brought a keycard falling out of the package.

Detective Clouseau was on the case and as we can read the basic data* about when it was issued and for how long it was valid enable me to work out who had sent it.

So thank you very much to the gentleman who did return it, though if you are reading this blog,; Why didn't you just leave it until next week when you are due back again.

We do very much appreciate cards being returned to us as we can re-use them but the irony is that we actually receive more of these back than we used to our old 'Weiser' keys and fobs which cost us considerable more and even had free postage, so that all anyone needed to do was to drop them into a Post box.

*Contrary to some information being distributed by people with nothing better to do, keycards(well definitely the Vingcard system that we use) contain no personal information and only refer to the room number, whether they are guest or staff cards, when they are issued and how long they are valid for.

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