Thursday 9 June 2011

Magnificent Imelda More Appropriate for May, September or Anytime but TT

Tuesday 7th at Villa Marina saw Imelda May visit the Island for the first time, supported by the excellent Stone Chase.

I don't know much about the technical aspect of playing double bass but the I would have paid the entrance fee just to see the performance by Stone Chase's Johnny G and their set was most enjoyable.
They play a great mix of music and my thoughts that I recognised the singer were correct, as when I googled the band, it turned out that Matt James, is a regular on the Gaiety stage.

Imelda May's high energy style, illuminated by her booming vocals was superb, though despite her enthusiasm also showed a deft touch with her slower numbers and her professionalism.

She began by relating how she owed her existence to the Isle of Man and indeed the Royal Hall in which we were standing. Apparently, during a holiday to the Island, her father went to ask a girl to dance but was rejected. Rather than risk running the gauntlet of his friends taking the mickey out of him, instead walking back across the dance floor, he asked the next young lady and fifty three years later, they are still together.

Personally, I was surprised how many hits I recognised and also that most songs were either composed by herself or guitarist Darryl and in contrast to her mostly upbeat numbers the song, Kentish Town was hauntingly beautiful.

She displayed great generosity, especially as they'd gone down so well even taking an encore, by also asking us to applaud Stone Chase and to make sure we supported our local bands.

Imelda dedicated the concert to Derek Brien, the rider tragically killed on Monday, whose family she had met on her journey to the Island and the far from packed crowd certainly received their money's worth.

That said, one must wonder who on earth books the bands for the TT Festival? It may be that the motorcycling fraternity are notoriously difficult to please because the are linked not by music but by two wheels, however surely the person in charge should at least do a little research to what will work and what probably won't.

As I stated earlier, I have a little sympathy but my own conversations with visitors and locals alike revealed that despite being able to fill stadia in Ireland, her appearances on Jules Holland and quite good radio airplay, not that many people had actually even heard of her. So when that is combined with the fact that during the races there are hundreds of alternatives, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that this was never going to be a great financial success.

It can't really be that hard if local band, DC/AC can fill the place doing a tribute act.

Likewise, Pigeon Detectives. I really hope I'm wrong but I have no idea what this band play and I haven't talked to too many that even know any of their tunes, so I don't really expect tonight to be fully subscribed either.

I just hope it hasn't put Imelda May or her prospective promoters off because she was really sensational and I'd watch her again tomorrow!

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