Wednesday 18 April 2012

Harry Birthday Happy

It's been a while since I've given a proper update on grandson no.2 but Wednesday 18th April is his 1st birthday. If anyone finds out what happened to last year, I would be extremely grateful if they could let me know.
After the tragic circumstance in which he was born with the loss of his twin brother, Christopher, Happy is barely recognisable from the tiny little eight weeks premature fellow in the incubator as he has wasted no time at all catching up.
The family joke is that he has no fuel gauge: He never knows when he's had enough; he must be the World's easiest baby to feed as whatever you present him disappears and fast!
Of course, at home, it's a case of everything moveable has to be moved as he takes maximum advantage of his newly found mobility. Ninna and Granddad are seriously considering cancelling our Parish Walk training in favour of sprinting whilst of course Mummy Lucy is usually one step ahead without having to resort to such measures.
One day of babysitting (see return of the Walk-a-Blog in a couple of days) and we managed to let him cut his finger on 'we-know-not-what' in our bedroom, (there was blood over everything!) and his lip on gravel when he decided to go from sitting to crawling without remembering to use his hands. We handed him back with blessed relief.
Anyway, I went with Lucy to his annual overhaul and I obviously look so young that I was asked twice if I was Dad. The doctor was extremely pleased with Happy's progress and he is now 75cm long and 10.7kg which for the older blogophiles out there is 2'6" and 23.5lb. Many Harry returns Grandson!

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